Ziwani Ridge 3, Naivasha
- Property type: Land For Sale
- Plot size: 50x100 ft
- County: Nakuru County
- Offer type: For Sale
- Ready Titles: Yes
- Deposit: 70,000/=
- Street: Moi South Lake road
- Payment Plan: Flexible
- Churches
- Electricity Near Site
- Graded Access Roads
- Lake Naivasha
- Naivasha Town
- Schools
- Shopping Malls
- Water Available In The Area
- Well Beaconed Plots
Our property in Naivasha is currently available for sale, Ziwani Ridge phase 3 consists of 1/8 acre plots (50×100) for sale with ready freehold titles and flexible payment plans. The property is located only 3km from kongoni Lodge off the Moi South Lake road. Water is available on site while electricity is available within the area. Call us today to book a free & informative site visit.