Lukenya Gardens 4, Athi River
- Property type: Land For Sale
- Plot size: 50x100 ft
- County: Machakos County
- Offer type: For Sale
- Ready Titles: Yes
- Deposit: 100,000/=
- Street: Mutungoni Road
- Payment Plan: Flexible
- Churches
- Daystar University
- Electricity on Site
- Graded Access Roads
- Schools
- Water Available In The Area
- Well Beaconed Plots
You asked, we listened, & we have answered!
We introduce to you our newest property, Lukenya Gardens 4 located in Athi River. The project consists of 50×100 Plots for sale located 10km off Mombasa road and 4km off Mutungoni road.
Selling Price (Cash Price)
Inclusive of Transfer fees.
Installment Price
100,000/= deposit and balance in 9 months.